Tuesday, December 16, 2008


MEXICO AND CUBA: A Great Example!!!

Relations between Cuba and Mexico, "are starting to get better"Raúl Castro Ruz, actual president of Cuba, confirmed.

Castro and Calderón got together in the MERCOSUR celebration. The problems started developing when Vicente Fox was the president, but now, everything is going back to normality. This two countries are fighting for a better world, with no fights or violence between them.

Both presidents talked about decreasing different problems, such as illegal migration, security and human rights. They also agreed in working together for fighting against drug dealing and organized crime.

Now we areally want this to be a real commintment, and wishing the best to both countries, hoping they will become an example to be followed by other nations.


Info taken of: http://www.cronica.com.mx/nota.php?id_nota=404232

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Try a different Xmas this year...read this!


Today, as I was reading my email before going for a walk, the subject of the last one got my attention "Celebrate Xmas in a different way this year". I could not read it in that very moment, so I left it there. And days passed by, and weeks. I checked my email several times, but I was always too lazy to read it.

So at last today, I had no other email to read. And I opened the misterious email I got. It showed me an amazing advice I would like to share with every single person that reads this post, and I hope you will share it with more people, so in the end we get to the whole planet!!!
It said that this Xmas you should buy a gift and leve it under yout Chrstmas tree. "This will be your gift dedicated to Jesus. It does not have to be anything very expensive, i could be a little card or some chocolates. Then, when Christmas happens, the gift will still be there. Then is when you will put it in your car, or take it close to you everywhere you go. Then you will see somebody who needs it, and you will give it to him/her. That is the real gift to Jesus".

I think this is a great idea to celebrate this Christmas differently.


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Already Xmas before December....

I still remember entering to a mall, in the middle of October, and seeing the storewindows and furnitures covered by snowmen, santa claus toys and xmas trees, full of lights and fake snow, covering around the place. This is when we start to wonder...Is Christmas really only focused in selling products, in merchandising and in entering, as soon as it is possible, in order to wake up the "christmas spirit" in everyones life?? (even If we lose the real concept of Christmas spirit). It is kind of unpleasant to think about this, but we have to accept that we live in a society where Christmas products start filling up the stores 3 or 4 months before december!!!

I will confess I am a Christmas Lover. I love the concept of an ideal Christmas dinner, being together with our families, celebrating Jesus birthday, having a special dinner and sharing food with our beloved ones. But I also believe that the whole Christmas Merchandising Concept brings a deficient concept of Christmas. It is very common to hear this everywhere we go, in religious groups or discussions with people, but If we really think about it they have a very important point. Are we letting the real Christmas dissapear and entering a marketing era, where having the most beautiful christmas tree, is all that matters???

Andrea Arzaba

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Time to listen to the Afghans...

I found this new, and I believe it is very interesting for understading the current issues happening in Afghanistan. Let's hear the other side of the "story"...

Afghanistan on the edge

Adaptability is plentiful, as this family in Herat Province demonstrates. But after seven years of occupation, where is Afghanistan heading?

Adaptability is plentiful, as this family in Herat Province demonstrates. But after seven years of occupation, where is Afghanistan heading? Fardin Waezi / AINA PHOTO AGENCY / AFGHANISTAN www.ainaphoto.org

Living on the edge is nothing new to Afghanistan. The country and its people are familiar with extremes of most kinds – geographic, political, religious. But today they are well and truly on the brink.

During 2008 the conflict in Afghanistan has escalated dramatically, claiming some 3,000 lives, almost half of them civilians. This is worse than at any time since the US-led invasion seven years ago. The monthly death toll of international servicemen and -women in Afghanistan has topped that of Iraq. The Afghan police force has lost no fewer than 700 personnel this year, while the targeting of aid agencies by militants has led to a doubling of charity workers killed.

The Taliban is resurgent; its fighters determined to get foreigners off Afghan soil, to topple the Western-backed Government of Hamid Karzai and to impose sharia law. ‘No negotiations with invaders’ is their line – reiterated recently as US and British military top brass were saying: ‘We need to talk to the Taliban.’

The fundamentalists aren’t behaving quite as before, however. As well as engaging in conventional fire-fights with international and Afghan troops, they are also planting IEDs – improvised explosive devices – by roadsides. And they have resorted to a tactic that was previously taboo in Afghanistan – suicide bombing. It’s beginning to look and sound like… Iraq.

But Afghanistan isn’t Iraq. This, remember, was meant to be the ‘good’ invasion; or at least the ‘not so bad’ one. It had the tacit support of most of the country’s people. After all, it was Afghans who did most of the fighting to oust the hated Taliban.

Increasingly insurgents are using Iraq-style tactics such as suicide and roadside bombings.

Increasingly insurgents are using Iraq-style tactics such as suicide and roadside bombings. Fardin Waezi / AINA PHOTO AGENCY / AFGHANISTAN www.ainaphoto.org

So what’s gone so badly wrong?

The Afghan Government has been quick to blame its neighbour Pakistan. Since its defeat in 2001 the Afghan Taliban has been able to launch sporadic attacks from safe havens in the tribal areas across the border in Pakistan. Under the watch of former President Pervez Musharraf, Taliban militants enjoyed the support of their Pakistani equivalents and, it is said, Pakistan’s Interservices Intelligence (ISI).

But militant and meddling neighbours are not the sole reason for Afghanistan’s woes, as the contributors to this magazine show. The fact that the despised Taliban are regaining a measure of popular support, to the extent that in some regions they are operating parallel administrations, is indicative. It tells us what Afghans think about the performance of their own Government and of the US and NATO occupation forces.

At the time of writing, a bloody battle is raging across the border in Pakistan’s tribal area of Banjaur. Pakistan’s new President Asif Ali Zardari has launched an offensive against Taliban militants in one of their strongholds. For the moment, the Pakistani army has the support of local tribal groups who also want to see the back of the Taliban. However, their greater hatred is reserved for the US forces which have been conducting ground and air attacks against militants in their area, killing and displacing many civilians in the process. The situation is delicate and explosive. Al-Qaeda and the various groups associated with them are clearly dangerous. But so is the US, whether by design or blunder.

A new US Administration takes charge of the White House this month. Will it do any better? The arrogance of power, displayed so nakedly during the Bush years, led to the deaths of thousands as the advice of regional experts was repeatedly ignored in favour of simplistic, vote-winning, sound-bite solutions. If the new US Administration is deaf to the voices of those it carelessly tramples underfoot or sweeps to one side in the ‘war on terror’ then hatred of the US and its allies will only grow.

So far, American and British politicians have responded to the escalating conflict in Afghanistan by proposing that more international troops be sent to the region. But what do Afghans want? Is anyone asking? Defence journalist Khabaryal (see page 6) has a rather different view on what a foreign troop ‘surge’ would achieve in his country – and his analysis is shared by many Afghans and Afghanistan experts. While the ‘surge’ that journalist Horia Mosadiq wants to see in her country is one of democracy, justice and accountability (see page 16).

In a world of instant-access global news it’s easy to imagine we know exactly what’s happening in distant parts. We may, for example, interpret images of girls in school and women presenters on Afghan TV as indicators of liberation. But it takes an Afghan writer, Zuhra Bahman, to unpick the far more complex and intriguing daily lives of her compatriots, and enable us actually to understand what life is like for women in Afghanistan today (see page 11).

The contributors to this magazine – who are all Afghans – are outspoken and critical. But they are also practical and ready to suggest alternative ways forward. Their frustration is palpable at times, but they have not given up hope. ‘All is not yet lost,’ as Abdul Basir, writing about the scandal of official aid to Afghanistan, says.

But it might be if we don’t pay attention. History has taught us that the capacity of outsiders to mess up in Afghanistan is formidable – not for nothing has the region been dubbed ‘the graveyard of empires’. And if we can’t even listen to the voices of the country’s thoughtful journalists and commentators, disaster is more-or-less guaranteed.

Text taken from:

Viewd on the 25 of November, 2008.

Friday, November 14, 2008


Barack Obama's new fashion has arrived in the whole world.The BBC news reported this morning that more than half of the babies born in a Kisumu Hospital on the day after the election were named either Barack or Michelle Obama.

Apparently Kisumu is close to the village where Mr Obama's father was born and raised and Mr Obama is a local hero.

The region erupted in celebration after he won the race for the White House.

Out of 15 babies born in the New Nyanza Provincial Hospital in the western city of Kisumu on Wednesday, five boys were named Barack Obama and three girls were called Michelle.

Pamela Adhiambo, who gave birth to twins – a boy and a girl - on the night after the elections, named them Barack and Michelle Obama.

"I made up my mind to name them long before the elections, and even if Obama had not won, I would still have done the same," she said.

Hopefully, the names will inspire them to become great human beings willing making a change in their communities for the best.

I wouldn't be surprised if that happened in my country, Mexico, too.

More information....


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Inspiring story from India....

Bringing "Colorss" to the world...

Hello! I would like to share with you an interview with an amazing person and co-worker, Anand, who is an indian advocate ready to change the world, bringing "colorss" into people's lives! To know more about him...keep on reading! xx


1. Name : Anand Koti
2. Age : 30
3. Country : India

4. Tell us a little bio. A bit about who you were until today.:
Anand Koti is a graduate in Industrial Psychology (H), PG in Industrial Relations and Personnel Management, PG in Hospital and Health Management (H) and has done his foundation course in Education with special needs children (Rehabilitation Council of India). He is a 2nd Dan Black Belt in Karate. He has an expertise in rehabilitation and vocational training. He is presently writing a couple of articles on mental health and a book on mental health and martial arts. He is based in India. You can get more information about my work, my experience and me as a person from below url's
http://www.takingitglobal.org/express/panorama/article.html?ContentID=7016 http://www.changemakers.net/node/2798 http://www.comminit.com/en/node/278924

5. Tell us about your project/organization

Founder of Colorss Foundation: The Foundation works towards the mainstream integration of the marginalized population through psychological, social and professional training and rehabilitation. Through the broad spectrum of its goal, the foundation handles various disability issues involving physical and mental handicap.

6. Do you have any dream/goal in life!?
Colorss is my dream and I wish to give the best to the humanity.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Day of the Death in MEXICO

No..... Day of the Death in MEXICO.

I would like to share a bit about my culture in this special days. We are used to celebrate Halloween around the world, dress with funny and scary costumes, go to parties and ask for trick or treat on the streets. In Mexico, we have a shock of cultures when it comes with the Day of the Death, from our prehispanic culture, and Halloween, from the American Influence. I would like to tell you more about our national celebration, in order to keep it alive! xx

More than 500 years ago, when the Spanish Conquistadors landed in what is now Mexico, they encountered natives practicing a ritual that seemed to mock death.

It was a ritual the indigenous people had been practicing at least 3,000 years. A ritual the Spaniards would try unsuccessfully to eradicate.

Unlike the Spaniards, who viewed death as the end of life, the natives viewed it as the continuation of life. Instead of fearing death, they embraced it. To them, life was a dream and only in death did they become truly awake.

However, the Spaniards considered the ritual to be sacrilegious. They perceived the indigenous people to be barbaric and pagan. In their attempts to convert them to Catholicism, the Spaniards tried to kill the ritual. But like the old Aztec spirits, the ritual refused to die.

To make the ritual more Christian, the Spaniards moved it so it coincided with All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day (Nov. 1 and 2), which is when it is celebrated today.

In rural Mexico, people visit the cemetery where their loved ones are buried. They decorate gravesites with marigold flowers and candles. They bring toys for dead children and bottles of tequila to adults. They sit on picnic blankets next to gravesites and eat the favorite food of their loved ones.

In the United States and in Mexico's larger cities, families build altars in their homes, dedicating them to the dead. They surround these altars with flowers, food and pictures of the deceased. They light candles and place them next to the altar.

The altar includes four main elements of nature — earth, wind, water, and fire.

Earth is represented by crop: The Mexicans believe the souls are fed by the aroma of food.

Wind is represented by a moving object: Tissue paper is commonly used to represent wind.

Water is placed in a container for the soul to quench its thirst after the long journey to the altar.

Fire is represented by a wax candle: Each lit candle represents a soul, and an extra one is placed for the forgotten soul.

Information taken from:
Altar Information:

Day of the Dead history:

Picture taken from:

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Datos Curiosos sobre el Halloween...

Datos Curiosos sobre el Halloween
Por Andrea Arzaba

Aquí tenemos algunos datos interesantes, y quizás inservibles, de lo que es ésta fiesta tan celebrada en todo el mundo: La noche de Halloween.

- Los antiguos celtas pensaban que los espíritus y los fantasmas rondaban entre los vivos la noche de Halloween. Ellos comenzaron a usar máscaras y disfraces para que los espíritus no los reconocieran como humanos.

- El Halloween es la segunda fiesta más comercial después de la Navidad.

- Halloween es el 31 de Octubre, el último día del calendario celta. Originalmente era una fiesta para honrar a la muerte.

- En Irlanda, los campesinos pedían comida a los ricos. La gente que no les daba nada, tendría una broma como recompensa así que para no ser victimas de las bromas se les daban galletas, fruta o dulces. Es de ahí de donde viene la tradición de “dulce o truco”.

- Las mujeres aceptan más fácilmente que creen en los fantasmas que los hombres.

- La próxima luna llena que caerá en Halloween será el 31 de Octubre del 2020.

- Uno de los personajes más filmados en la historia es Drácula.
- Se dice que las películas que dan más miedo de todos los tiempos son El Exorcista, El silencio de los inocentes y Psicosis.

- Los juicios de las brujas de Salem en 1692 son conocidos por quemar a las mujeres acusadas de “brujas”, aunque la mayoría murieron colgadas. Muchas otras murieron en las cárceles también.


Friday, October 24, 2008

Inspiring image.... /Imagen que inspira!

I want to share this picture with you....I'd like to know what u think of it

Me gustaría compartir esta foto con ustedes y saber que piensan sobre ella

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Poverty QUOTES

Hello! I would like to share this quotes with you. I hope this will make you think more about the current issue we are living alla round the globe... Peace xx

You can't get rid of poverty by giving people money. ~P.J. O'Rourke, A Parliament of Whores

Poverty is like punishment for a crime you didn't commit. ~Eli Khamarov, Lives of the Cognoscenti

The prevalent fear of poverty among the educated classes is the worst moral disease from which our civilization suffers. ~William James

It would be nice if the poor were to get even half of the money that is spent in studying them. ~Bill Vaughan

Affluence creates poverty. ~Marshall McLuhan

The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all your time. ~Willem de Kooning

Poverty is the mother of crime. ~Marcus Aurelius

The poor are poor because the rich are rich. ~Author Unknown

Hunger makes a thief of any man. ~Pearl S. Buck

To a man with an empty stomach food is God. ~Gandhi

Almsgiving tends to perpetuate poverty; aid does away with it once and for all. ~Eva Perón

There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread. ~Mahatma Gandhi

You will find more here: http://www.quotegarden.com/poverty.html

Monday, October 13, 2008

Tanks in Palestine / Tanques en Palestina

Tanks in Palestine/ Tanques en Palestina

(Español abajo)

"This picture comes from Palestine. Two kids walking in the street while the Israel tanks arrive in their home street, which is not the fit place for it.

So we are as Palestine Youth Committee guiding peace movement against any violent actions include the Israel occupation for Palestine lands. in the same time this pic talks about human rights and children rights without use bloody way in showing suffering of Palestinian people and children.

What do you think if this pic without tanks?
It means we need our freedom and we are seeking for our children's rights and protection.
Jahjooh Belal .

Esta imagen viene de Palestina. Dos niños caminando por las calles cuando los tanques israelíes en la calle cercana a su casa, lo cual no es un lugar adecuado para ello obviamente.

Entonces aquí tenemos el grupo del PALESTINE YOUTH COMITTEE guiando un movimiento de paz contra las acciones violentas incluyendo la ocupación israelí en tierras palestinas. Al mismo tiempo esta foto habla de Derechos Humanos y de Derechos de los niños sin tener que ser sangriento.

¿Que pensarias de la foto sin tanques?

Significa que necesitamos nuestra libertad y estamos buscando por la protección de nuestros derechos y el de los niños.

Nuestro grupo
Jahjooh Belal .

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Cada habitante del planeta tiene su propio efecto sobre el problema del CG (calentamiento global) y tu puedes hacer la diferencia.

Reduce el impacto en casa:

La mayoría de las emisiones de los hogares son de combustibles quemados para generar energía y calor así que…

- Cambia una luz. Cambiar un foco normal por uno ahorrador o también llamado flouresente compacto dejaras de crear 68 kilogramos de DC (dióxido de carbono) al año.

- Recicla más. Puedes dejar de producir 1.2 toneladas de DC al años si reciclas la mitad de la basura de tu casa

- Verifica tus llantas. Mantener las llantas infladas en su nivel correcto puede mejorar el consumo de gasolina y por cada litro que ahorres de gasolina dejas de emitir 2.40 kilogramos de DC así que también procura caminar mas.

- Usa menos agua caliente. Se consume mucha energía para calentar el agua así que puedes usar menos si disminuyes el chorro de agua durante la ducha y así dejaras de producir alrededor de 160kg de CO2 por año.

- No uses productos con mucho empaque. Puedes dejar de producir 550kg de DC si disminuyes tu basura en un 10%.

- Ajusta el termostato. Bajar el termostato 1 o 2 grados en invierno y subirlo 1 o 2 grados en verano. Con ese simple ajuste se pueden dejar de crear 900kg de DC.

- Planta un árbol. Uno solo puede absorber una tonelada de DC durante su vida.

- Desconecta los aparatos eléctricos. Desconecta los aparatos que no estés utilizando como el DVD, la secadora o hasta el cargador de tu celular ya que aunque el aparato este apagado sigue consumiendo energía y así dejaras de producir miles de Kg. de DC al año

- Compra productos de papel reciclado. Ya que se utiliza menos de 70% al 90% de energía para fabricar papel reciclado y previene la perdida de los bosques.

- FOMENTA EN TU ESCUELA O EMPRESA LA REDUCCION DE EMISIONES. Puedes extender tu influencia positiva sobre CG mas allá de tu casa persuadiendo la manera activa a otros a tomar acción

- Haz que tu voz sea escuchada. Practica, impulsa, fomenta, pide, exige y sobre todo realiza acciones encaminadas al cuidado del ambiente. Escribe, habla, publica y vota sobre asuntos relacionados con el calentamiento global.


Monday, October 6, 2008


Un pequeño video...creando conciencia de la niñez en México

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Tlatelolco killings anniversary...

40th Anniversary of Tlatelolco massacre:
Amnesty International calls for justice

02 October 2008

Forty years after one of the worst incidents of mass killing in Mexico's history, the Mexican government still hasn't given answers to questions surrounding the massacre that took place in Mexico City, said Amnesty International.

Estimates vary on how many were killed when the Mexican army opened fire on students peacefully demonstrating in Tlatelolco on 2 October 1968.

The massacre began at about 6 pm, when police, military and unidentified armed men surrounded the square and opened fire from armoured cars and tanks, using heavy weapons. They fired on students gathered in the square and on surrounding residential buildings. 44 bodies were eventually released by the government - ten have still not been identified.

'Forty years on from the Tlatelolco massacre, so many disturbing questions remain unanswered,' said Javier Zúñiga, now a special advisor at Amnesty International who witnessed the arrival of government troops from a nearby bridge overlooking the square.
'Who ordered the massacre? For how long had it been planned? How many were killed? Who are those whose bodies still have not been identified?'
Zúñiga continued:

'It was getting dark at the time the gunfire started, so it was difficult to see exactly what was happening. But I remember, as clearly now as at the time, that the army moved into the square before the gunfire started and not as a consequence of it, as many government sources have maintained. People panicked and started running in different directions crying 'the army is coming, the army is coming!' Before long, it seemed as if the square was full with bodies.

'I went back early the following morning and saw piles of belts and shoes. Pools of blood remained on the ground despite obvious efforts to wash them away. I also saw large bullet holes on concrete pillars at adult head height.'
Despite continuous efforts by victims, relatives and participants in the student movement to establish the truth of what occurred that night, the full facts have never been established and those responsible have not been held to account.

The failure of the Mexican government to establish the truth of what happened on the night of 2 October 1968 has left a deep scar in Mexican society that can only be healed by full disclosure, bringing the perpetrators to justice, and providing reparations to the victims or their families.'
Amnesty International 's Deputy Americas Programme Director Kerrie Howard said:
"President Calderón's government has been all but silent on this dark chapter in Mexico's history. We challenge this administration to open all relevant archives and records, establish a new and independent inquiry, and lift the obstacles preventing those responsible for this horrific crime being brought to justice.'

Friday, September 26, 2008

Las irrealidades de la realidad....


Ésta es una frase que escuche alguna vez, en alguna clase de mi tercer semestre en Comunicación. Recuerdo que no estaba prestando mucha atención ese día al profesor, pensando en lo que haría después de la clase o en lo que pasaría el fin de semana, sin embargo, al escuchar estas palabras mi mente regreso al salón de clases de inmediato.

Creo que cada persona hace su realidad. Cada ser tiene la capacidad de influir en lo que sucede a su alrededor, por lo tanto, al querer realizar alguna acción o al idealizar y creer en algo, esta "irrealidad" hecha en nuestra mente se puede volver material. Simplemente hay que creer en ello. Es muy interesante analizar como aquello que es real, tangible, vivido, es simplemente la evolución de una idea o producto de nuestra imaginación. ¡Cualquier cosa! Todo lo que vemos a nuestro alrededor estuvo en la mente de alguien, alguna vez, apareciendo como una chispita de luz en su ser. Cualquiera de nosotros puede crear simplemente con la mente.
Solo hay que creer....y recordar esa famosa frase "Cuidado con lo que deseas, porque se puede hacer realidad".

Andrea Arzaba

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Bus ride in Cuba!

3rd Prize, Magazine Feature Picture, Pictures of the Year International. Cubans stand inside a bus in Havana.

REUTERS/ Carlos Barria

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ramadán (english and spanish)

September, a month of celebration in the Middle East

More than 300 million muslim in the whole world started in the beginning of this month the sacred celebration of Ramadan, when they avoid eating, drinking, smoking and sexual relations from the dawn until the sun rises.

Fasting is the most common practice between muslim people, because this is the way they dedicate their devotion, even if they have to leave their normal activities and go to the mosques, where they keep on praying and reading the Koran. This practice is well know related to love one's neighbour, because people share their food with low income people, sharing and dedicating their actions to Alá. Ramadán is over on the beginning of October with a 3 days long ccelebration called 'Id-al-Fitr', where muslim exchange gifts and spend time with their family and friends.

So now we know....not only in Mexico we have a big celebration in September!

Septiembre, también una celebración en el Medio Oriente.

Más de mil trescientos millones de musulmanes de todo el mundo iniciaron a principios de éste mes de Septiembre la sagrada celebración del Ramadán, en la que se abstienen de comer, beber, fumar y tener relaciones sexuales desde el amanecer hasta la puesta del sol.

El ayuno es la practica más común entre todos los musulmanes, ya que de esta manera se dedican por completo a la devoción, con lo que deben dejar de lado todas su actividades cotidianas y asistir a las mezquitas, donde permanecerán en oración continúa y leyendo el Corán, libro sagrado musulmán. Ésta práctica esta muy ligada con el servicio al prójimo, ya que se debe de dar de comer a la gente de bajos recursos, compartiendo los alimentos y ayudando es una forma de alabar a Alá. El Ramadán termina el primer día del décimo mes con la celebración de una fiesta de tres días llamada 'Id-al-Fitr', en la que los musulmanes se intercambian regalos y se reúnen con sus seres queridos.

Así que ya sabemos, no solo en México el mes de Septiembre es para celebrarse.


Monday, September 8, 2008

UN against sexual abuse / La ONU contra el abuso sexual

UN against sexual abuse

Spanish Version after this one.

UN Security Council demanded sexual violence end, as a war strategy saying that it is a very common situation in conflict countries. Sexual Violence, as a war weapon, is being used in different countries and that is why UN’s Seurity Council decided to stop this tendency last thursday. “In some conflicts being a woman is more dangerous than being a soldier”. One of the most important issues is that this type of violence has not only been commited by soldiers from the other side of the war, but also by members from peace missions. One example is Congo. In this country, Turing the most recent conflicto, more than 32000 cases of violence and other sexual violence were registered in the Kivu, a southern parto of this country.
Some UN soldiers where acused and they were liberated without any punishment. “When the member States have qualified
women we can demonstrate the central role of women in the reconstruction of devastated countries in war”.

La ONU contra el abuso sexual

El Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas exigió el fin de la violencia sexual como una táctica de guerra al afirmar que es una situación bastante común en los países en conflicto.La violencia sexual, como arma de guerra, está siendo utilizada con una impunidad casi universal y por eso el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU se comprometió este jueves a ponerle un alto a esta tendencia.
"En algunos conflictos ser mujer es más peligroso que ser soldado".
Una de las graves preocupaciones es que la violencia no sólo ha sido cometida por los bandos en guerra, sino también por miembros de las misiones de paz. Un ejemplo es la República Democrática del Congo.En este país, durante el conflicto más reciente, más de 32.000 casos de violación y otras formas de violencia sexual fueron registrados en la provincia sureña de Kivu.
Algunos soldados de la misión de la ONU -basados ahí- fueron acusados de abusos sexuales, para ser liberados después sin castigo. "Cuando los estados miembros nos proporcionan personal femenino calificado podemos demostrar el papel central de la mujer en la reconstrucción de países devastados por la guerra".

Consultada el 08/septiembre/2008.

Monday, August 25, 2008

UN World Youth Walk 2008 in Quebec, Canada!


(12 / August/ 2008, UN World Youth Day)

A MULTICULTURAL MOMENT! All together for one cause...
And we left at 6pm... everybody was looking forward for this day, when we were going to be able to celebrate the United Nations International Day of Youth! We walked from Laval Université to Downtown Quebec, around a two hour walk. Young people from all around the world came together, singing songs in different languages, shouting and showing their national flags, proudly showing and carrying different banners with peaceful and meaningful messages to the world, specially youth.

"Peace" ,"Unity", "We want love not war", "Stand up for your rights"
, and a hundred of other messages where shown during this event.

I believe that this moment was very important because we had the chance to express our
selves, to say what we wanted to say and to show the world that we are there, that we are young people trying to make a difference in our world!

There were some people waving at us from their balconies when we were on our way, people saying hello and even joining us. This was very important because
this shows that we are not alone!

Thanks to every single person that participated in this e
vent, as well as the congress. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

A MULTICULTURAL MOMENT. Todos juntos por una causa...

Y decidimos partir a las 6pm... todos estabamos esperando ansiosos por este momento, en donde celebrariamos el DÍA INTERNACIONAL DE LA JUVENTUD de las NACIONES UNIDAS. Caminamos desde la Universidad Laval hasta el centro de la ciudad de Quebec, siendo alrededor de 2 horas de caminata, o un poco más. Jóvenes de todas partes del mundo juntos cantando canciones en diferentes idiomas, gritando y mostrando las diversas banderas de sus naciones, con carteles que tenian mensajes de :

"Paz", "Unidad", "Si al amor, no a la guerra", "Levantate por tus derechos" y cientos de diferentes mensajes fueron mostrados en este evento.

Creo que este evento fue muy importante ya que tuvimos la oportunidad de expresarnos, decir lo que queriamos decir y enseñarle al mundo que estamos aquí, que somos gente jóven tratando de hacer una diferencia en el mundo!!!

Habia gente que desde los balcones de sus casas nos decian hola, y algunos hasta se unian a la marcha. Esto es muy importante ya que muestra que no estamos solos y que la gente nos escucha.

Gracias a toda la gente que participó en el evento, así como en el congreso. Fue una experiencia única!


Andrea Arzaba

Thursday, August 7, 2008

3 days b4 the congress..... a 3 días del congreso....

UUUFF!!!! Is only the first week of university and I am already leaving for 2 weeks! As you might now by now, I will be a mexican delegate for the WORLD YOUTH CONGRESS 2008 in Quebec, Canada. To be honest, I Can't believe it yet!!! I feel like everything is going so quickly because I remember when I was just applying for it...and then when I knew I was accepted....it seemed to be so far away....and now is less than 72 hrs away!!! I feel very excited and lucky to be a part of this awesome congress. I know I'll meet a lot of interesting people as well as learn from different problematics that we'll be shown in the convention. I will be giving a workshop 2 about indigenous situation in my country, Mexico.

=) I know it will be a great experience!! And I hope this is the first of many more to come!

AHHHHH! Es la primera semana de universidad y ya me estoy yendo las próximas dos. Fui elegida como una delegada mexicana para el CONGRESO MUNDIAL DE JÓVENES 2008 en Quebec, Canadá. Para ser sincera....aún no puedo creerlo!! Siento que todo esta pasando tan rápido porque me acuerdo perfectamente del momento cuando aplique y después que supe que fui aceptada...se veía tan lejano....y ahora en menos de 72 horasestaré ahí! Me siento muy felíz y afortunada de
ser parte de este maravilloso proyecto. Sé que conoceré a mucha gente interesante al igual que aprenderé de diferentes problemáticas que serán enseñadas en la convención. También daré un workshop (taller) sobre la situación indígena en mi país, México.

Será una gran experiencia. Espero que sea la primera de muchas por venir!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Olympic HaiR!! / PeinadO OlimpicO!!

A woman styles the hair of a performer with Olympic rings during a ceremony in the Olympic Village ahead of the Beijing 2008 Games August 5, 2008. / Una mujer estiliza el cabello de una performer con los anillos olímpicos en durante una ceremonia en la Villa Olímpica antes de los juegos en Beijing 2008. % de Agosto del 2008.

REUTERS/Hannibal Hanschke

Atomic Bombs Everywhere!!! / Bombas atómicas en todos lados...

(En Español) Ban Ki-moon, el secretario general de las Naciones Unidas, indicó a pocos días de cumplirse el 63 aniversario del bombardeo de Hiroshima y 40 años del Tratado de Tlatelolco se estima que actualmente hay un inventario de 26 mil armas nucleares en todo el mundo. “La mayoría de la población mundial aún vive en países que poseen bombas atómicas”.
Advirtió también que si los recursos que se destinan al armamentismo se canalizaran al desarrollo económico y social, se podrían lograr avances significativos en las Metas del Milenio ( y bien LO SABEMOS!)
Perla Carvalho Soto( La secretaria de OPANAL) afirmó que a 41 años de existencia del Tratado de Tlatelolco éste sigue siendo un “ejemplo de éxito, ya que garantiza la ausencia total de armas nucleares en la región mexicana, refuerza la seguridad de cada uno de sus miembros y evita de esta manera las posibilidades de un conflicto con el uso de estas armas”.
(in English) Ban Ki-moon, the general secretary of the UN, indicated that soon will be the 63 anniversary of Hiroshima's incident and soon the Tratado de Tlatelolco will be 40 years old. In this days there is an inventory of 26 thousand nuclear weapons all around the world. "Most of the worlds population still live in countries with atomic weapons".
He also said that if this money was used in achieving the Millenium Goals, a lot of things would be done already! Perla Carvalho Soto(OPANAL secretary) afirmed that El Tratado de Tlatelolco is an "example of success because it assures that there is a total absense of nuclear weapons in Mexico and it avoids conflicts with the use of this type of weapons".
Fuente: La Jornada

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Violencia contra las mujeres(A I).... Violence against women (A I)

La justicia en México no toma en serio la seguridad de mujeres que sufren violencia

Una de cada cuatro mujeres ha sufrido agresiones por parte de su pareja en nuestro país...

Los sistemas de procuración e impartición de justicia en México, “a menudo no toman en serio” la seguridad de las mujeres y por ello las que sobreviven “a la violencia en sus hogares corren peligro de sufrir nuevos abusos”; además, de acuerdo con “un estudio realizado a nivel nacional en 2006, una de cada cuatro mujeres afirmó haber sufrido agresiones físicas o sexuales a manos de su pareja”, reveló la organización Amnistía Internacional (AI).

Liliana Quintanilla, de la comisión Independiente de Derechos Humanos de Morelos, Alberto Herrero de AI, y María de la Luz Estrada Mendoza, integrante del Observatorio Nacional del Feminicidio, presentaron el estudio La lucha de las mujeres por la seguridad y la justicia: violencia familiar en México, en el cual se afirma que “algunos estados y también el Distrito Federal se han mostrado más activos que otros a la hora de mejorar las medidas de prevención y castigo de la violencia contra las mujeres y combatir la discriminación.

“Sin embargo, AI ha constatado que muchas mujeres que han sido víctimas de violencia en México siguen encontrando graves impedimentos para acceder a la seguridad y la justicia.

“Un factor importante que disuade a las mujeres a la hora de denunciar los abusos de los que son víctimas, es la respuesta por parte de las autoridades locales, entre ellas la policía y el Ministerio Público. Varias contaron a AI que los funcionarios no habían querido aceptar la denuncia al considerar que se trataba de un asunto familiar privado, al dar por sentado que ellas retiran la denuncia más tarde o porque en su opinión la violencia no era suficientemente grave para merecer atención”.

Entre las recomendaciones hechas por la organización defensora de los derechos humanos se encuentran: condenar la violencia contra las mujeres en el ámbito familiar; aumentar el conocimiento público sobre los abusos; utilizar el sistema educativo para cuestionar los prejuicios; abolir la legislación que tolera la discriminación; asegurar que la violencia contra ese sector se trate como delito; investigar las denuncias de violencia en el ámbito familiar y procesar a los responsables, y eliminar los obstáculos que impiden los procesamientos por actos de agresiones contra las mujeres en el ámbito familiar.

Fuente: Amnistia Internacional y La jornada

Amnesty International Report Says Mexican Authorities are Failing to Protect Women on Domestic Violence

(New York) -- Thousands of Mexican women who survive violence in their homes are being put at risk of further abuse by the country's justice system, which often fails to take their safety seriously, Amnesty International said in a new report today.

Amnesty International's report explores the obstacles Mexican women face when trying to report cases of domestic violence, including being rebuffed by officials when they make complaints. The report also cited deficient investigations and poor enforcement of protective measures. The report is being published 18 months after Mexico passed a law to counter violence against women.

"Over a year ago, Mexico took the positive step of passing a new law to protect women from violence, but a law will not prevent women from being beaten, raped and abused unless it’s implemented rigorously at the federal and state level," said Kerrie Howard, deputy director for the Americas Program at Amnesty International.

Domestic violence is endemic in Mexico, as it is in many other countries. A national survey conducted in 2006 showed one in four women in Mexico have suffered abuse at the hands of their partner and 82 per cent of women decided not to report it.

Women who find the courage to report the abuse are often treated with indifference and have to prove they are subject to violence. In many cases officials even ask them to deliver summons to their aggressor, according to the Amnesty International report, "Women's Struggle for Safety and Justice: Violence in the Family in Mexico."

In February 2007, Mexico enacted a law to help protect women and prevent violence, but the law is not properly funded or enforced.

Amnesty International is calling on Mexico's federal and state authorities to:
Make a public commitment to implement the 2007 legislation to protect women from violence and invest the necessary funds to put it into practice.
Investigate and publish findings on why reporting, prosecution and conviction rates for violence against women remain so low and take specific measures to tackle obstacles identified by these investigations.

The report, "Women's Struggle for Safety and Justice: Violence in the Family in Mexico," is available at:

Friday, August 1, 2008


NeW BLOG / Un NueVO BlOg

AboUt ThiS BLOG...

Better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace.
-- Buddha (560-483 B.C.)

Why starting a new blog??

- I wanted to write about the global issues that are happening for becoming a better world!!!

- Being a mexican delegate for the next WORLD YOUTH CONGRESS 2008 in Quebec was one of the most important inspirations to start writing because I wanted to show WHAT IS CURRENTLY HAPPENING WITH YOUTTH and ACTION WORLDWIDE!!!

- I want to share my experiences, and show a bit about my country to the world!

So enjoy this blog! I'd love to get feedback from all of u!!!

Andie Arzaba


Estoy comenzando a escribir en un nuevo blog porque....

- Quiero escribir sobre las acciones globales que estan pasando en estos momentos para ser un mundo mejor!!!

- Como delegada mexicana para el Congreso Mundial de Jóvenes en Quebec fue una de las inspiraciones más importantes para comenzar a escribir. Quiero mostrar lo QUE OCURRE AHORA CON LOS JÓVENES Y SUS ACCIONES EN EL MUNDO!!

- Quiero compartir experiencias y mostrar mi país al mundo!

Porfavor disfruten este blog!!! Me gustaría obtener feedback y comentarios!

Andie Arzaba