A MULTICULTURAL MOMENT! All together for one cause...
And we left at 6pm... everybody was looking forward for this day, when we were going to be able to celebrate the United Nations International Day of Youth! We walked from Laval Université to Downtown Quebec, around a two hour walk. Young people from all around the world came together, singing songs in different languages, shouting and showing their national flags, proudly showing and carrying different banners with peaceful and meaningful messages to the world, specially youth.
"Peace" ,"Unity", "We want love not war", "Stand up for your rights", and a hundred of other messages where shown during this event.
I believe that this moment was very important because we had the chance to express ourselves, to say what we wanted to say and to show the world that we are there, that we are young people trying to make a difference in our world!
There were some people waving at us from their balconies when we were on our way, people saying hello and even joining us. This was very important because this shows that we are not alone!
Thanks to every single person that participated in this event, as well as the congress. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
A MULTICULTURAL MOMENT. Todos juntos por una causa...
Y decidimos partir a las 6pm... todos estabamos esperando ansiosos por este momento, en donde celebrariamos el DÍA INTERNACIONAL DE LA JUVENTUD de las NACIONES UNIDAS. Caminamos desde la Universidad Laval hasta el centro de la ciudad de Quebec, siendo alrededor de 2 horas de caminata, o un poco más. Jóvenes de todas partes del mundo juntos cantando canciones en diferentes idiomas, gritando y mostrando las diversas banderas de sus naciones, con carteles que tenian mensajes de :
Creo que este evento fue muy importante ya que tuvimos la oportunidad de expresarnos, decir lo que queriamos decir y enseñarle al mundo que estamos aquí, que somos gente jóven tratando de hacer una diferencia en el mundo!!!
Habia gente que desde los balcones de sus casas nos decian hola, y algunos hasta se unian a la marcha. Esto es muy importante ya que muestra que no estamos solos y que la gente nos escucha.
Gracias a toda la gente que participó en el evento, así como en el congreso. Fue una experiencia única!
Andrea Arzaba
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