I would like to share the biography of an OUTSTANDING and AMAZING WOMAN: Leni Riefenstahl.
Yesterday, I finally finished reading Riefebstahl's biography, and I found myself trully inspired by her. I believe that she was an important part of the "femenine empowerment puzzle". But...must of you might not have heard abou this german lady... Here's some important data of her life (as a movie star, as a director, as an artist, as a WOMAN)
LENI RIEFENSTAHL was born in Berlin, Germany in 1902. She studied painting and started her artistic career as a dancer. Her mom would always suppoert her and take her into the art's world. She became already famous after her first dance hat Max Reinhardt engaged her for the »Deutsches Theater«.

After a small accident she had with her knees, her acting career in 'mountain movies' that glorified rural german life. Riefenstahl gave up dancing all together (she had a small accident and dedicated herself to the acting only. After acting, she realized she loved editing movies. Her greatest success she made with the documentary film »Triumph des Willens« named after the Reich Party Congress 1934 in Nuremberg which got the highest awards: The gold medal in Venice in 1935 and the gold medal at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1937. However, at the end of the war this film destroyed Leni Riefenstahl's career, for now it had no longer been recognized as a piece of art but been condemned as a National Socialist propaganda because of Hitler's masacre. Some people accussed her, because she was related to the Nazi party, but the truth is that she only filmed those documentaries from the beautiful, estetic point of view.
She also dedicated herself to the photography, and she had the chance to travel to Africa and take pictures of the Nubas, a tribu in Kenya that had no contact with occidental life.At the age of 71, Leni Riefenstahl fulfilled a dream to herself, she had cherished for long: She attended a diving course to be able to also work as an underwater photographer in the future. Soon she became a master in this profession too. With her two illustrated books, »The coral gardens« and »The wonders under water« she had caused a worldwide sensation and got further honours and awards for them. ublished her Memoirs.
Leni Riefenstahl died on Monday 8 September 2003, in Poecking, Germany. She died a few weeks after her 101st birthday.
Information and pictures taken from:
http://www.leni-riefenstahl.de/eng/bio.htmlLENI RIEFENSTAHL was born in Berlin, Germany in 1902. She studied painting and started her artistic career as a dancer. Her mom would always suppoert her and take her into the art's world. She became already famous after her first dance hat Max Reinhardt engaged her for the »Deutsches Theater«.

After a small accident she had with her knees, her acting career in 'mountain movies' that glorified rural german life. Riefenstahl gave up dancing all together (she had a small accident and dedicated herself to the acting only. After acting, she realized she loved editing movies. Her greatest success she made with the documentary film »Triumph des Willens« named after the Reich Party Congress 1934 in Nuremberg which got the highest awards: The gold medal in Venice in 1935 and the gold medal at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1937. However, at the end of the war this film destroyed Leni Riefenstahl's career, for now it had no longer been recognized as a piece of art but been condemned as a National Socialist propaganda because of Hitler's masacre. Some people accussed her, because she was related to the Nazi party, but the truth is that she only filmed those documentaries from the beautiful, estetic point of view.

Leni Riefenstahl died on Monday 8 September 2003, in Poecking, Germany. She died a few weeks after her 101st birthday.
Information and pictures taken from:
Photos: Archives Riefenstahl
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